
2024-01-23 10:50:02 :85








  • n. 气球

  • adj. 像气球般鼓起的

  • vt. 使像气球般鼓起;使激增

  • vi. 激增;膨胀如气球

  • n. (Balloon)人名;(法)巴隆



  汉语解释:1、(指物)优美雅致。 优雅动听|环境优雅2、(指人)优美高雅。姿态优雅|举止优雅美语:清风优雅。想知道优雅的英文怎么说吗?



  elegance ; grace ; politeness ;

   amenity ; concinnity

  网 络grace;elegance;Nancy;ALLEVI



  Danced with careless grace.


  The swallow is sweeping across the sky.



  They spoke of how she fought extreme sickness in a brave and graceful way.


  She carries herself very well.


  A couple of long curls at the sides will be very elegant.


  A cabin nicely situated on a quiet riverbank.


  She is the most gorgeous girl.


  He was a most artistic and delicate writer.


  Placidity is a living experience and elegance is a living attitude.

  1. Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running. 他没像平时那样优雅庄重地走着,而是几乎跑了起来。

  2. I remember her as a quiet, hard-working and well-spoken girl. 我记得她是个安静、勤奋并且谈吐优雅的女孩子。

  3. She had that inbred politeness, it was a part of her. 她拥有那种天生的优雅,举手投足都彬彬有礼。

  4. Tommy Tune gives the choreography his usual class and zip. 汤米·图恩在编排的舞蹈中注入其一贯的优雅和活力。

  5. Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat. 费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。

  6. He gestures, gesticulates, and moves with the grace of a dancer. 他举手投足之间流露出舞者的优雅。

  7. As chief executive, he assembled a polished stable of celebrities. 作为首席执行官,他手下云集了一批优雅的名人名士。

  8. Her shoulders were graced with mink and her fingers sparkled with diamonds. 肩上披着的貂皮衬托得她更加优雅,手上的钻戒则光彩夺目。

  9. Two elegant Scotsmen travelling together wore dashing kilts at dinner. 两名结伴旅行的优雅苏格兰男子就餐时穿了潇洒的苏格兰方格呢短裙。

  10. She danced with a grace and lightness that were breathtaking. 她的舞跳得优雅轻盈,令人惊叹。

  11. He was a baroque figure dressed in theatrical, but elegant, clothes. 他是个巴罗克式的人物,衣着华丽但又不失优雅。

  12. There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself. 他举止优雅而庄重。

  13. Caroline floated up the aisle on her father’s arm. 卡罗琳挽着父亲的手臂从过道上优雅地走过。

  14. Rodney was a cheerful, elegant and gregarious if rather contentious man. 罗德尼尽管非常喜欢与人争辩,却是个阳光、优雅、合群的人。

  15. She stepped gracefully onto the stage. 她步态优雅地走上舞台。

  16. Ballet is the ultimate in human movement. 芭蕾舞在人类的动作中可谓优雅至极。

  17. The subject seems to dance with balletic grace. 受试者似乎跳着芭蕾舞般优雅的舞蹈。

  18. He has beautiful manners. 他举止优雅。

  19. She moves with feline grace. 她举止像猫一样优雅。

  20. His speech and manner are refined. 他谈吐优雅,彬彬有礼。




n. 云;云朵;阴云;云状物;一大群;黑斑

vt. 使混乱;以云遮敝;使忧郁;玷污

vi. 阴沉;乌云密布


1、blow clouds吞云吐雾

2、disperse clouds吹散乌云

3、fleeting cloud疾驰的云朵

4、fluffy white cloud绒毛状的白色云朵


1、Look at those clouds. They are purple.


2、Gleams of sunshine came through the breaks of the cloud.


3、The clouds soon cleared away and it became quite warm.


4、White clouds floated in the sky.






例句:Not a single cloud is to be seen.


2、cloud在表示“一群”时,常用于in clouds或in a cloud短语中。

例句:A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him.



    water /�0�4w�0�0�0�9t�0�5(r)/ DJ /’w�0�0t�0�6/ KK /�0�4wɑ�0�9t-/ DJ American English /’wɑt-/ KK American English noun a liquid without colour, smell or taste that falls as rain, is in lakes, rivers and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc. 水 uncountable a glass of water 一杯水 drinking water 饮用水 water pollution 水污染 clean/dirty water 净/脏水 water shortages 缺水 There is hot and cold running water in all the bedrooms. 所有的卧室里都有冷热自来水。 an area of water, especially a lake, river, sea or ocean 大片的水;水域;(尤指)江,河,湖,海 uncountable We walked down to the water’s edge. 我们步行到水边去。 She fell into the water. 她失足落水。 shallow/deep water 浅/深水域 In the lagoon the water was calm. 环礁湖里风平浪静。 the water in a particular lake, river, sea or ocean (某一江、河、湖、海的)水域 plural the grey waters of the River Clyde 克莱德河灰蒙蒙的河水 This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean. 在环印度洋沿岸的海域有这一物种。 Alternate: waters the surface of a mass of water (一片)水面 uncountable She dived under the water. 她潜入水下。 The leaves floated on the water. 叶片漂浮在水面上。 an area of sea or ocean belonging to a particular country (某个国家的)领海,海域 plural We were still in British waters. 我们仍在英国的领海上。 fishing in international waters 在国际海域捕鱼 Alternate: waters Idiom: by water formal using a boat or ship 乘船;由水路 Idiom: it’s (all) water under the bridge spoken used to say that sth happened in the past and is now forgotten or no longer important 已成往事;往事云烟 Idiom: like water informal in large quantities 大量地 He spends money like water. 他挥霍无度。 Idiom: (be in/get into) murky/uncharted waters to get into a difficult or dangerous situation that you do not know anything about 陷入心中无数的困境;落入心中无数的险境 Idiom: not hold water informal if an argument, an excuse, a theory, etc. does not hold water, you cannot believe it (论点、借口、理论等)站不住脚,不合情理 Idiom: sb’s waters break when a pregnant woman’s waters break, the liquid in her womb passes out of her body just before the baby is born 羊水破(即将分娩) Idiom: (like) water off a duck’s back informal used to say that sth, especially criticism, has no effect on sb/sth (像)耳边风;水过鸭背 I can’t tell my son what to do; it’s water off a duck’s back with him. 我无法告诉我儿子该做什么;他根本听不进去。 verb to pour water on plants, etc. 给…浇水;灌溉 VN to water the plants/garden 给花草/花园浇水 of the eyes 眼睛 to become full of tears 充满眼泪 V The smoke made my eyes water. 烟熏得我直流眼泪。 of the mouth 嘴 to produce saliva 流口水 V The smells from the kitchen made our mouths water. 厨房里的香味馋得我们直流口水。 to give water to an animal to drink 给…水喝;饮(动物) VN to water the horses 饮马 After a tour of the grounds, the guests were fed and watered. 客人们游览场地之后,给招待得酒足饭饱。 humorous of a river, etc. 河流等 to provide an area of land with water 流经;给(某地)供水 VN usually passive technical The valley is watered by a stream. 这山谷有一条小溪流过。 to add water to an alcoholic drink 往(酒里)掺水;给…加水 VN watered wine 掺了水的葡萄酒 Phrasal: water sth�6�2down to make a liquid weaker by adding water 加水冲淡(液体);掺水稀释 to change a speech, a piece of writing, etc. in order to make it less offensive or forceful 使(演讲、文章等)语气缓和;使变成轻描淡写 usually passive



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