Founders fund(Paul Allen生平(用英文))

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founders fund(Paul Allen生平(用英文))

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Paul Allen生平(用英文)

Paul G. Allen (born 1953) co - founded one of the world’s most lucrative and influential companies, the Microsoft Corporation, in 1974. The company’s products revolutionized personal computing and made founders Allen and Bill Gates billionaires. Allen left the company in 1983 due to illness, and has since invested in a wide variety of projects in the technology, entertainment, sports, and aerospace fields. In addition, he has contributed substantial amounts of money to various charities and research organizations.Allen was born on January 21, 1953, in Seattle, Washington, and grew up in the nearby suburb of Wedgewood. His parents, Faye and Kenneth Allen, were both librarians at the University of Washington, and they introduced Allen and his sister Jody to a wide variety of cultural offerings, regularly taking their children to museums, galleries, and concerts. Allen’s parents also encouraged his early love of reading and science, and his mother hosted meetings for his grade school science club. Allen melded these two interests in his avid enthusiasm for science fiction novels, including the Tom Swift series. "Tom Swift was very futuristic - he went to outer space, and there were rockets and submarines and all kinds of machines," Faye Allen told People magazine. "He was a role model for Paul."In 1965, Allen began seventh grade at Lakeside School, a prestigious private school in Seattle. Three years later he met eighth - grader Bill Gates who, like Allen, spent most of his free time figuring out the inner workings of their school’s new computer. "Our friendship started after the mothers’ club paid to put a computer terminal in the school in 1968," Gates told Fortune in 1995. "The notion was that, of course, the teachers would figure out this computer thing and then teach it to the students. But that didn’t happen. It was the other way around." The pair became so adept with computer technology that, while still in school, they were both invited to serve as amateur technicians at a local computer center in exchange for free computer time. "At the end of every school day, a bunch of us would take our little leather satchel briefcases and ride the bus downtown to the computer center," Allen recalled in Fortune. "Bill and I were the guys that stayed the latest, and afterward we’d go eat pizza at this hippie place across the street." Despite Allen and Gates’ efforts, the center eventually went bankrupt and the pair cites the ensuing repossession activities as their early introduction to the realities of the business world.Co - founded MicrosoftAllen graduated from high school in 1971 and entered Washington State University. That same year, he read about the Intel Corporation’s 4004 chip, the first computer microprocessor. In 1972, he and Gates purchased the next generation of the chip, the 8008, for $360. The pair used the chip to develop a special computer that conducted traffic - volume - count analysis and started a company called Traf - O - Data, planning to sell the computers to traffic departments. Allen and Gates eventually abandoned the company, but applied the technology to their next venture. In 1973, they both took jobs at a company called TRW in Vancouver, Washington, where they used minicomputers to distribute power from hydroelectric dams.In 1974, Gates left Washington to attend Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Allen followed, dropping out of Washington State and accepting a job as a computer programmer at the Honeywell Corporation in Boston. Allen hit upon the seed for their next business move in a Popular Electronics magazine cover story describing the MITS Altair 8800 minicomputer. Recognizing that the computer would need a programming language, Allen and Gates set out to write a version of BASIC, a widely used computer language, specifically geared toward the Altair. Under the auspices of their new corporation, Micro - Soft, they convinced MITS to sell their programming language. According to the Fortune interview, the credit line in the source code of their first product read: "Micro - Soft BASIC; Bill Gates wrote a lot of stuff; Paul Allen wrote some other stuff."Allen and Gates soon changed the company’s spelling to Microsoft and moved their business to MITS’ headquarters in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The young entrepreneurs launched quickly into the technology side of their new business; their management technique developed more slowly. They did not even incorporate their company until 1981. "Our management style was a little loose in the beginning," Allen recalled in Fortune, "We both took part in every decision, and it’s hard to remember who did what. If there was a difference between our roles, I was probably the one always pushing a little bit in terms of new technology and new products, and Bill was more interested in doing negotiations and contracts and business deals." Gates remembered the work atmosphere as congenial. "We didn’t have many major disagreements, but there was one tiny source of tension: I would always be calling Paul in the morning to tell him it was time to come work on this stuff," he said in the same interview. "He slept even later than me."Returned to SeattleAllen and Gates soon built up an impressive client list that included Ricoh, Texas Instruments, Radio Shack and another new startup, Apple Computers. MITS’ business began to dwindle as Apple and other emerged as competitors, leaving Allen and Gates with no reason to remain in Albuquerque. In 1978, with sales already over $1 million, they relocated their company to Bellevue, a suburb of Seattle. There, they experienced significant growth, and by 1979 had hired more than 35 employees and a professional manager.The company entered into one of the most significant business deals in its 25 - year history in 1980. That year, InternationalBusinessMachines(IBM)approachedMicrosoft seeking a programming language for its new personal computer, secretly under development. That same year, Allen negotiated the purchase of Q - DOS, a little - used operating system produced by Seattle Computer. Since Seattle Computer was unaware of Microsoft’s pending IBM deal, Allen was able to secure a low price for Q - DOS. "We were afraid they were going to find out the reason we wanted to buy it was because IBM was our primary customer," Allen told Fortune. "If they found that out, the price for Q - DOS would go way up." Microsoft paid $50,000 for Q - DOS and, in turn, licensed the product to IBM for use with its new PC.In addition, Gates and Allen convinced IBM to allow other companies to copy the specifications of their PC, spurring the ensuing flood of PC "clones." The widespread availability of PCs necessitated compatible software programs which, in turn, required a universal operating system. In addition to Microsoft Disk Operating System, or MS - DOS, programmers had the option of using a competing system developed by Digital Research in Monterey, California. Gates and Allen urged software developers in both the U.S. and Europe to write to their specifications, however, and met with much success. As the PC, supported by MS - DOS, became the most widely used computer in the world, Microsoft became the domineering force in the computer programming industry.Retired from CompanyIn 1982, Allen was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease, a form of cancer. He continued to work part - time at Microsoft during 22 months of radiation treatments, but in March 1983 he retired from the company and spent the next two years traveling, scuba diving, yachting, skiing and spending time with his family. He retained a 13 percent share of the company and continued to serve on its board. "To be 30 years old and have that kind of shock - to face your mortality - really makes you feel like you should do some of the things that you haven’t done," Allen told Fortune.Although finances were not a concern - as of 2003, he was estimated to be the world’s fourth wealthiest citizen worth $21 billion - Allen sought out new business and investment opportunities. Pursuing a notion of a "wired world" in which computers and related technology serve as the primary source of communication and information - gathering, Allen founded Asymetrix, which produced applications that allowed both programmers and non - programmers to develop their own software, and then Vulcan Ventures, an investment firm focused on technology. Allen also invested in numerous companies, including Ticketmaster, America Online, Egghead Software and the pharmaceutical company Darwin Molecular Corporation. Later investments focused on cable television, wireless modems, and Web portals. In 1992, Allen founded Interval Research, a think tank focused on the Internet and compatible technologies. "For years now, I’ve been interested in the information superhighway or whatever you want to call it," Allen told Fortune in 1995. "The approach I’ve chosen is to start companies or make strategic investments in companies I think are positioned to take advantage of that huge opportunity. I try to add value as an investor by building synergy between those companies." His ventures have met with varying degrees of success.Supported Sports, EntertainmentAllen also began to channel funds into entertainment and sporting ventures. He purchased the National Basketball Association’s Portland Trailblazers in 1988 and built the organization a $262 million sports and entertainment complex. He often flies the team to games in his private jet. In the 1990s, he purchased a reported 24 percent of the shares of the film and television studio Dreamworks SKG. He purchased the National Football League’s Seattle Seahawks in 1997 and built that team a new stadium and exhibition center as well.A longtime rock music fan with his own band, Allen channeled his love for guitarist Jimi Hendrix into the Experience Music Project, an interactive museum dedicated to rock music and especially Hendrix’s work, which opened in Seattle in 2000. Allen celebrated an even earlier passion with his support of the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame, which opened in Seattle in 2004. Allen further indulged his interest in the otherworldly with a $13.5 million donation to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the provision of an undisclosed amount to fund SpaceShipOne, the world’s first private spaceship. Allen also founded the $100 million Allen Institute for Brain Science in 2003. Additional charitable donations and foundations have funded hospitals, AIDS programs, cancer research, forest preservation, and the construction of a new library at the University of Washington in honor of his parents. Allen resigned from the Microsoft Board of Directors in 2000, but remained with the organization as a senior strategy advisor.BooksBusiness Leader Profiles for Students, Volume 1, Gale Group, 1999.PeriodicalsFortune, October 2, 1995.People, June 19, 1995.Online"Paul Allen," Biography Resource Center website,, (November 16, 2004).

about Bill Gates 英文介绍

Bill Gates (1955–) Cofounder and chairman, Microsoft CorporationBorn: October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington.Education: Attended Harvard University, 1973–1975.Family: Son of William Henry Gates II (attorney) and Mary Maxwell (teacher); married Melinda French (Microsoft manager), January 1, 1994; children: three.Career: Lakeside Programming Group, 1968–1969, founder; Traf-O-Data, 1970–1973, founder; Microsoft Corporation, 1975–, founder and chairman; 1975–2000, CEO; 1992–1998, president.Awards: U.S. National Medal of Technology, 1993; Chief Executive of the Year, Chief Executive, 1994; President’s Medal of Leadership Award, New York Institute of Technology, 1995; Louis Braille Gold Medal, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, 2002; Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire, 2004.Publications: The Road Ahead (with Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson), 1995; Business @ the Speed of Thought, 1999.Address: Microsoft Corporation, 1 Microsoft Way, Building 8, North O, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399; What became the Microsoft Corporation grew out of two college undergraduates’ bluff and bravado. Gates’s old friend Allen showed him an advertisement for a kit to build a home computer. The two called the computer’s manufacturer, MITS, saying that Gates had taken a primary computer language called BASIC and adapted it for the machine. When MITS expressed interest, Gates and Allen ignored their studies and spent the next four weeks frantically working on turning their boast into reality. In an interview in Money, Gates later recalled, "One little mistake would have meant the program wouldn’t have run. The first time we tried it was at MITS, and it came home without a glitch" (July 1986).Having written the first computer language for a personal computer, Gates and Allen established the Microsoft Corporation in 1975. The name "Microsoft" was formed from the words "microcomputer" and "software." Gates then dropped out of Harvard in 1976 and focused on building the new business. He believed that there was a market for computer software and that the market was going to expand rapidly as affordable computers were developed for home use.Right Place—right TimeAlthough Gates rightfully earned credit for building one of the fastest-growing and most profitable companies ever established, Microsoft started out on a shaky foundation. Gates and Allen had sold their first commercially developed software for $3,000 and royalties. Before long, however, Microsoft found itself unable to cover its overhead. Even though Gates and Allen received royalties, their software was also pirated by computer hackers. This piracy led Gates to write an "Open Letter to Hobbyists," which said that computer software should not be copied by the then relatively small computer community without the developer’s permission. Gates also recognized at this point in time that the future of computer software lay in owning a standard software package to be used on most computers.By the late 1970s the computing giant IBM had plans for marketing a personal computer for home use. They approached Microsoft to develop the standard operating system for their home computer models. Gates and Allen then went out and purchased for $50,000 an operating system called Q-Dos, which had been developed by Seattle Computer. Q-Dos was compatible with the Intel processor that IBM intended to use. The two then adapted the Q-Dos system and presented it to IBM. Money magazine quoted Gates as recalling, "We bet all our resources on that system" (July 1986).Gates had learned well his early lessons in the software business. He insisted that IBM make Microsoft the exclusive software licensee for their home computers, meaning that all IBM products would have Microsoft operating systems. Furthermore, Gates negotiated a contract that allowed Microsoft to retain the right to manufacture and license the software, which he and Allen had named MS-DOS, to other manufacturers. Because there were three other operating systems for microprocessors at that time, Gates didn’t own the sole industry standard. But he was well on his way. He and Allen made MS-DOS the most attractive system to computer manufacturers because Microsoft offered a flat-fee license rather than a per-unit contract. Gates and Allen also encouraged software developers to create programs that would broaden their system’s capabilities. Their strategy was a huge success because manufacturers initially saved money. In addition, the software developers had an easier job designing such single applications as word processing for use on computers made by other manufacturers.These negotiations demonstrated that Gates was willing to defer immediate earnings for much greater future profits. His plan was based on building a mass of users for Microsoft products, which would mean the company would own the industry standard. Once Gates’s company owned the standard, it could then revert to selling its software at per-unit prices rather than general licenses.While the contract with IBM placed Microsoft on its way to legendary business growth, it also established a precedent for what some considered Gates’s unsavory business practices. When he and Allen had approached Seattle Computer, the software’s original developer, they omitted to mention that they were in negotiations with IBM to develop their operating system. Seattle Computer later sued Microsoft on the grounds that it had hidden its relationship with IBM in order to purchase Seattle’s system at what turned out to be a bargain-basement price. The two companies came to an out-of-court settlement without Gates or Microsoft admitting to any guilt or duplicity in the original purchase.Marketing Trumps ChallengersPaul Allen, who had been serving as Microsoft’s head of research and new product development, left the company in 1982 after being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. The following year, Gates faced a major challenge to Microsoft’s domination of operating systems for home computers when a company called VisiCorp developed a mouse-driven computer system with a user interface based on graphics rather than the keyboard-based and text-driven system of MS-DOS. Gates quickly recognized that VisiCorp’s system would be the wave of the future because it was much easier for technologically unsophisticated people to use. Even though Microsoft did not have such a system in the works at that point, Gates started an advertising campaign with an announcement at the Plaza Hotel in New York City that a new Microsoft operating system with graphical user interface (GUI) would soon be marketed. This next-generation system was to be called "Windows."Gates’s announcement was a bluff; the truth was that Microsoft was nowhere near developing such a system. But the marketing ploy worked because people preferred to wait for a system designed to be compatible with their existing Microsoft products rather than undergo the trouble and expense of installing an entirely new operating system. Furthermore, Windows allowed users to avoid buying new software applications to replace the DOS-compatible programs they currently owned. Windows 1.0 was finally released in 1985. That same year Microsoft reported $140 million in revenue, including $46.6 million from overseas users.Microsoft’s growth continued to be relatively smooth in spite of several challenges, in part because the fiscally conservative Gates had financed most of the company’s expansion entirely from its earnings. This cautious approach to financing, however, did not reflect an unwillingness to take risks. In January 1986 Gates launched an ambitious long-term project to develop a new data storage system based on a compact disk, or CD-ROM, that could hold any type of computer file, including music and visual files. In March of that same year, he took the company public. His 40 percent ownership of Microsoft shares made his net worth $390 million by June 1986.Gates had effectively cornered the market for operating software for the vast majority of personal computers (PCs) as well as developing a wide range of other popular programs. He effectively became a billionaire in March 1987, when his company’s stock rose to $90.75 per share, up from $21.50 per share when the company went public. Brian O’Reilly commented a few months later in Fortune, " apparently has made more money than anyone else his age, ever, in any business" (October 12, 1987).Gates Switches GearsIndustry analysts had praised Gates for guiding his company on a path of growth that saw its revenue stream increasing by more than 50 percent per year in a extremely competitive, even cutthroat, market. They credited much of this success to Gates’s ability to capitalize early and effectively on industry trends and his willingness to take risks on such fledgling technologies as Microsoft’s CD-ROM-based software packages, which became industry standards. Furthermore, Gates had organized the company’s structure so that it worked concurrently on all phases of a software product’s business cycle from development to distribution. Larry Michels, an early software developer, told Mary Jo Foley of Electronic Business, "Other software vendors have modeled themselves after the hardware business. Microsoft created its own model of how to do business" (August 15, 1988).Although Gates had established himself as a visionary, he did not always hit the mark. For years he had paid little attention to the business potential of the Internet, which led him to say later that he regretted not having focused more closely on Microsoft’s capabilities for e-mail and networking. In 1995, however, he did an about-face and began to redirect the company’s efforts in this area. His success was measured by the fact that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer Web browser had become the industry leader by 2000. Gates’s success in developing a competitive Internet browser, as well as coming out on top of the desktop-database and office-suite wars of the 1990s, proved that he had formed a company nimble enough to jump into a market that others were developing and take the lead away from the competition.In 1998 Gates announced a new phase in Microsoft’s expansion that would allow him to concentrate his energies on strategy and product development. At the same time the company funneled larger amounts of money into improving customer support and feedback. Gates planned to direct the company’s work in such areas as intelligent telephones and television, as well as the integration of such new computer input techniques as speech, vision, and handwriting. Although Windows had already gone through several upgrades, Gates wanted to continue improving its ease of use and reliability. To free himself up for this work, he stepped down as president, a position he had held since 1992, but remained Microsoft’s chairman and CEO.Showdown With the GovernmentMicrosoft earned $19.75 billion in revenue during the fiscal year 1999. Bill Gates had become an icon not only in the computer and business worlds but also in the eyes of the general public. His ghostwritten book The Road Ahead, which outlined his vision of the future, topped many best-seller lists for more than three months. In spite of Gates’s financial and literary success, however, he found himself facing his biggest challenge yet as the 1990s came to an end.The challenge came this time from the United States government rather than from Microsoft’s competitors. Gates and Microsoft had come under increasing scrutiny for unfair business practices from the time of the court case that followed Microsoft’s purchase of the Q-Dos operating system from Seattle Computer in 1980. In 1993 the U.S. Justice Department began an investigation into Microsoft’s contracts with other computer manufacturers that led to an agreement from Gates in 1994 to eliminate some of Microsoft’s restrictions on the use of its products by other software makers. In 1997, however, the Justice Department sued Microsoft for forcing computer makers to sell its Internet browser as a condition of using the Windows system—a de facto violation of the 1994 consent decree. In December 1997 a U.S. district judge issued a preliminary injunction forcing Microsoft to temporarily stop requiring manufactures who sold Windows 95 "or any successor " to install its Internet Explorer.Microsoft appealed the injunction, but the following year the Justice Department and 20 state attorneys general sued Microsoft, charging that it illegally thwarted competition to protect and extend its software monopoly. Although Microsoft won its initial appeal in 1998 to reverse the 1997 decision, Gates soon found himself being questioned for 30 hours over a three-day period in a videotaped deposition for the upcoming antitrust trial. The government finally rested its case on January 13, 1999, and the Microsoft defense team ended its case on February 26. The final oral arguments from each side were presented on September 21, 1999.After the judge presented his findings of fact on the case on November 5, Gates issued a response disagreeing with many of the findings that went against Microsoft. In a statement released to the press as reported by Court TV Online, Gates noted, "Microsoft competes vigorously and fairly. Microsoft is committed to resolving this case in a fair and a factual manner, while ensuring that the principles of consumer benefits and innovation are protected" (November 6, 1999).U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled in June 2000 that Microsoft was a monopoly which had illegally exploited the dominance of Windows, at that point installed on over 95 percent of the world’s personal computers. Judge Jackson then ordered Microsoft to be broken up into several smaller companies. It was the most severe antitrust ruling since the breakup of AT&T in 1984. Jackson’s decision was reversed on appeal, however, and the company received a far less severe punishment directed toward restricting some of its business practices. In spite of this relatively favorable outcome, however, Gates continued to battle competitors in American courtrooms over Microsoft’s business practices. In addition, he found himself subjected to litigation in Europe, where Microsoft was once again accused of exploiting its monopoly of Windows to control other computer-related industries, including media-player and server software companies.Despite the controversy over whether Gates had created a company that used its dominance of the desktop computer system to obtain unfair control of newer computer-related markets, Microsoft continued to prosper. Gates stepped down as CEO in 2000 but kept his position as chairman of Microsoft as well as its chief software architect. In 2004 he doubled the company’s research and development budget to $6.8 billion and began pushing a new Windows personal computer operating system code-named Longhorn.Management Style: WorkaholicAlthough Gates was long known as a "boy wonder" in the computer and business worlds, his management style was anything but immature. As was noted in a BBC News article, "Gates has come to be known for his aggressive business tactics and confrontational style of management" (January 26, 2004). Although he was considered a charismatic leader within his own company, he was also extremely tough—he fired Microsoft’s first company president after only 11 months on the job.An intense businessman who typically put in 16-hour days and took only two three-day vacations in the first five years after establishing the corporation, Gates was demanding and strong-willed about implementing his vision. Coworkers, clients, and industry analysts also remarked, however, that he did not surround himself with yes-sayers but was more than willing to change his mind if someone convinced him of a better alternative. Analysts also observed that one of the keys to Gates’s success was his ability to focus on the fundamentals of the business while keeping office politics or his own ego from getting in the way. "Most of what I do is leading," Gates once said in Electronic Business. "Managing applies to the people who work directly for me" (August 15, 1988).Gates was known from the beginning of his career as the epitome of a hard-driving businessman respected by his allies and feared by his competitors. It was his vision that guided Microsoft’s immense success. In addition, Gates had an uncanny ability to tackle both the managerial and technical sides of Microsoft’s operations. He was especially noted for his success as a marketing strategist who priced his products for the mass market rather than computer specialists. In 1999 the Journal of Business Strategy listed Gates among a handful of people who had the greatest influence on business strategy over the last century.Gates also had his fair share of critics. In addition to accusations of predatory and possibly illegal business practices, some analysts remarked that Gates did not really foster in-house product innovation but tended to focus his attention instead on blocking advances by other companies.

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Founders Fund是一只怎样的基金

  Founders Fund 成立于2005年7月,是一家风险发投资机构,主要投资于具有革新性的技术公司的各个阶段。

  机构简称:Founders Fund


  投资阶段:初创期(天使投资) 扩张期(VC投资) 成熟期(PE投资)

  投资行业:机械机电 IT互联网

  Founders Fund投资项目:

M.A.C和make up forever

Makeup Art Cosmetics, better known to most as M•A•C, is a brand of cosmetics sold internationally, that originally became famous through word-of-mouth endorsements by professional makeup artists, models and celebrities .In 1985, MAC was established in Toronto, Canada by founders Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo. Toskan was a make-up artist and photographer, while Angelo was a owner of a chain of hair salons. Both recognized the missing element of a versatile and reliable cosmetic to be used in fashion photography. The intense lighting conditions often employed created conditions under which conventional makeup either photographed badly or didn’t hold up during, so the two set out to create a line that would hold up to these types of challenges. They envisioned a makeup company that would be for All ages, all races, all sexes. This later became the company motto .M•A•C has four social initiative programs currently in place.M•A•C Cruelty-Free Beauty Back to M•A•C Recycling M•A•C Kids Helping Kids The M•A•C AIDS Fund . The Estee Lauder Companies, who acquired controlling interest in M·A·C in 1994, finished their acquisition of the company in 1998 .The M•A•C PRO Program is provided to professionals in the industry . An annual fee must be paid for this service. The program provides professional support, special pro-only benefits and discounts. Make-up artists receive a 40% discount. Aestheticians, Cosmetologists, Hairstylists, Fashion Stylists, Nail Technicians, Costume Designers, Models, On-Air Talent/Performers, and Photographers receive a 30% discount. International discounts may vary. Make Up For Ever S.A.Founded in: 1989Activity: Professional products for makeup artists & consumer cosmetics12, rue de Penthièvre75008 Paris – Make Up For Ever is specialized in professional products for makeup artists, as well as consumer cosmetics.The company has a broad portfolio of products featuring colors and textures that combine originality with excellent quality, both essential to the complexity and limitless variety of today’s makeup creations.Founded in 1984 by Jacques Waneph and Dany Sanz, Make Up For Ever was one of the first French "makeup artist" businesses to gain a following among professionals. Leading makeup artists are still regular visitors to the congenial boutique created to serve them at 5, rue La Boétie in Paris. While the Paris shop remains the heart of the brand,Make Up For Ever products are distributed in selective outlets in France, the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea and some 30 other countries.

英语作文高手进 急啊!

Changsha is a 2000-year long cultural history of the ancient city, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Chu is to dominate the South to one of the strategies. Han Liu founded, in 206 BC, the change of Linjiang Changsha, and the establishment of the Han Dynasty dominions -- Changsha, Since then, the beginning of construction in Changsha city wall, and gradually became a strategic point of contention. Changsha is dangerous because of the physical environment, has made 401 for wealth, economic and traffic are relatively developed, Therefore, the ages are celebrities, scholars coming out in large numbers, its culture and art is extremely busy, in the history of Chinese literature has a very high status. Changsha, in Hunan Province in central China. Xiangjiang River downstream. Changsha jurisdiction, the city, Liuyang, four Ningxiang County and the East, South, West, North, five suburban areas of major rivers and Liuyang are the Xiangjiang River. Total area of 12,500 square kilometers and a total population of 5.5 million, of which urban area of 352 sq km, Population 1.1 million. The average annual temperature of 17 degrees Celsius from top to bottom. Visit the main scenic area Yuelu Mountain, oranges Chau, Pavilion, martyrs Park, Moon Island, China and the major monuments commemorating the revolution to a Mawangdui Han Tomb, the Yuelu Academy, opened Temple, the Temple Fall, Jia Yi’s former residence, "CPC Hunan District Committee, the former" Qingshuitang, Hunan Self-study University site Chuanshan Society and the Hunan Normal School, the first such legislation. The vast history, brilliant ancient culture, Changsha to this ancient land left many valuable cultural heritage. Changsha period of the primitive society, and the Yellow River Basin communication, as the Jiangnan region one of the earlier civilizations, an ancient Chinese form of a spiritual dimension, Changsha is the provincial level and above are classified as key units to be protected by 45. One of the most famous, it charmed visitors to the Yuelu Academy, and LuShanSi LuShanSi ancient monument Yuwang milestone Kai Temple, and other historical attractions and the Mawangdui Han Tomb and the woman intact and more than 3,000 pieces of relics. Yuelu Academy is located in the Xiangjiang Yuelu Mountain West Bank, Emperor Tai Po opened nine years (AD 976) from the government to help fund the construction, since 1024 have the history, therefore, "the Millennium institutions", "said. College grand scale, heyday there were more than 1,000 students, it said, "Xiao Zhu Si," and several of Confucius in the village, enjoying the lectures. LuShanSi. Yuelu mountainside hiding in a pair of valuable here, "wearing narrow winding stone risk, the Cloud Gate Road hanging Ukraine, also moving the Mid-Levels, GREEN ring for Chingchuankang. " Shijing Full of Korea, valuable giant. Temple of the four-year construction of the Western Jin Dynasty contends that most of the previous abbot monk. a famous poet Du Fu in a "clean" the poem describes the people at that time, burn incense and people worshiping Buddha in the making : "Indigenous Department bustling boast day, Changsha thousand people out Liuyan Chui Tseng Ming-mei, for Tao Zhu foot proud Nie knee, You are all good Xiangxi Temple, tipping the military to draw "(ie LuShanSi Xiangxi Temple). Although Millennium is later, going through all the vicissitudes of life. Changsha is also very difficult then to 1,000 million Hong pray North Korea, but the inscriptions or cigarettes mallard mallard season. one in the bell has been unending. Temple opened in Changsha, China is a famous Buddhist monastery, Founded in 2002 after Tangmengzong Tiancheng (AD 927), is building an area of about 16,000 square meters. Buddhist temple hall into three, the first of three Progressive Temple, the Buddhist temple hall for the second Progressive (carved), Images of the third Progressive Dian. Eastern rooms with reception room, Zhaitang, the Treasury, abbots room; The assertion that Western thieves appear, walk, "Avon Poetry Society," the former. Buddha interior for Buddha statues and Northern Dynasties. Changsha to tourism, searching for historical and cultural relics. people are most interested in the preservation of the integrity of the years since 2100 and relics from the Western Han woman. Changsha is a Western woman 972 from the eastern outskirts of the Mawangdui Han Tomb group on the 1st and the 2nd tombs excavated at the time that the body intact. Skin flexible. Tomb unearthed from the relics are extremely abundant, are written on silk, silk banners, bamboo slips, lacquer ware, silk, wood figurines, pottery, agricultural and animal products, wood and other artifacts of Chinese herbs, for a total of more than 3,000 pieces. Also in Changsha before the Han Dynasty some of the ancient tombs, also unearthed a large number of bronze Shang and Zhou, Qin weapons, lacquerware, ceramics, Tang and Song Dynasties, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties generations of heritage. These relics are condensation of the ancient people’s wisdom, Low display of the ancient Changsha’s brilliant culture. So far, China’s first put Gangjian, the first brush strokes, the first maps, the largest, oldest and the most perfect bronze musical instrument, the most complete ancient coffin, the mummy, the most exquisite lacquer, silk fabrics have all come from Changsha, demonstrate the ancient times, Changsha unique civilization. Changsha beautiful scenery, The country was magnificent. watch the natural landscape as the Tour premises, mainly Yuelu Mountain, oranges Island Pavilion. Martyrs Park. Yuelu Mountains, the West Bank tower in the Xiangjiang River, the mountains, ancient wooden towering, shade terpene, looks Pinnacle, Sau as See our fundraising page for details. Hill Zhangping - Quanzhou flow all year round dry, Lanzhifangxin, refers to face the wind. in particular the fall season, opened with cream, cabbage becoming popular, and the sky and white clouds and blue sky, mountains Qingjiang Lushui television, and the scenery Live television and dignified, boarded the Mountaintop-foot peak, the Pillar Xiang kiosks, overlooking Changsha, thousands of scenes, the panoramic view. Xiangjiang River orange Chau, 5 km long from north to south, east-west width to 100 meters, surrounded by water, Like a giant cruise ship mooring set the middle of the river. Here, Liu tender spring arrives, the wind bread, summer flowers Zhengyan, aromatic herbs and Autumn fruit ripe tangerine color, causing the fragrance in the winter snow pressure pine Bamboo, Silver Eagle gillnetting. All year long, varied scenery, intriguing. Pavilion, the city has ranked the highest, towering castles, tree-shaded green, Teng Kok distance, "four eyes to all Yunshan, Myriads of Lights is most concerned about. " Martyrs Park, located in the northeastern part of the city, with an area of 120 hectares, the park’s pine loudspeaker, Qiu sticks Qu dry, open and exposed. Jia Yan wide Hunan, rippling blue waves, the shape of the different booths, Taiwan and the House, Court, Bridge, the pavilion, Fang. WU set off in the mountains, involvement, pleasing feel. Changsha to tourism, Another important point Ningxiang visited nickname Liu Shaoqi House floor. Liu Shaoqi’s former residence, Changsha from more than 50 km. House is a civil structure of the farmhouse, in front of a pond, behind the raid is the hills, A total of 20-odd housing. Liu Shaoqi, where he spent his childhood and adolescents, home at the age of 18 and began studying revolution, the new home near the pavilion, display of his life to the revolution hundreds of precious objects and photographs showing how the founders of this Republic to see the performance.


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