Beyond yoga(运动文胸 beyond yoga适合跑步吗)

2024-07-25 22:50:04 :35

beyond yoga(运动文胸 beyond yoga适合跑步吗)

“beyond yoga”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看beyond yoga(运动文胸 beyond yoga适合跑步吗)!


运动文胸 beyond yoga适合跑步吗

  • 运动文胸适合于跑步

  • 不适合 ,因为他们的运动文胸大多适用于瑜伽,而在运动文胸的定义里瑜伽用文胸属于低强度的 ,跑步则需要中强度的运动文胸所以请尽量选择中强度的运动文胸


摘要Lululemon athletica、Cozy Orange、SOLOW、Be present、ANJALI、Green Apple、Inner Waves、Lily Lotus、Prana、Shining Shatki、Soybu、Mika Yoga Wear、Hosa Yoga、Athleta、ALO Yoga、Pieryoga、Hatha Yoga、Easyoga、Yomer、Beyond Yoga、Bia Brazil、Bluefish。

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-11-20


Lululemon athletica、Cozy Orange、SOLOW、Be present、ANJALI、Green Apple、Inner Waves、Lily Lotus、Prana、Shining Shatki、Soybu、Mika Yoga Wear、Hosa Yoga、Athleta、ALO Yoga、Pieryoga、Hatha Yoga、Easyoga、Yomer、Beyond Yoga、Bia Brazil、Bluefish。

希望以上回答对您有所帮助~ 如果您对我的回答满意的话,麻烦给个赞哦~

bring about 和give rise to 的区别是什么

give rise to    多见用于比较正式的表达,指“引发”、“ 引起”某种现象的出现。

1、High intake of salt is believed to give rise to high blood pressure.


2、Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.


3、The great increase in food prices gave rise to a lot of complaints.


1、bring about 引起,实现,导致。

如:What brought about his illness? 他的病是怎样引起的?

Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 科学给我们的生活带来了很多变化。

2.、bring (a)round

(1) 使改变观点或看法。

如:They tried to bring him round to their views. 他们试图让他改变看法同意他们的意见。

(2) 使苏醒。

如:I am sure our doctors will bring him around in no time. 我相信医生会很快把他治好。

(3) 顺便把某人带来串门。

如:Why don’t you bring your wife around to see us sometime. 为什么不把你妻子哪天带来玩玩 

3、bring back

(1) 送还,带回。

如:Please bring back the book tomorrow. 请明天送还这本书。

He brought me back in his car. 他用汽车把我送回家。

(2) 使想起,使恢复。

如:The old photo brought back many memories. 这张旧照片引起了许多回忆。

A week by the sea brought her back to health. 她在海滨呆了一周后就恢复了健康。

4、bring down

(1) 击落或打落(飞机、飞鸟等)。

如:We managed to bring down three of the enemy planes. 我们设法击落了三架敌机。注:有时也表示:使落下。

如:The pilot brought his crippled plane down in a field. 飞行员把失灵的飞机降落在田野里。

(2) 打死或打伤(野兽、动物等)

如:He aimed, fired and brought down the antelope. 他瞄准羚羊射击,把它打倒了。

(3) 使倒下,推翻。

如:The wind brought down a number of trees. 大风吹倒了一些树。

The scandal may bring down the government. 这一丑闻有可能使政府垮台。

(4) 降低(温度、价格、费用等)。

如:The government tried to bring down the price. 政府设法降低价格。

5、bring forth 产生,引起,结果。

如:Trees bring forth fruit. 树结果实。

She has brought forth a child. 她已生了一个孩子。

6、bring off

(1) 从船上救出。

如:The lifeboat brought off all the crew. 救生船把船上所有船员都救了出来

(2) 成功,设法做成。

如:It was a difficult task but I brought it off. 那是项困难的工作,但我还是终于把它完成了。

7、bring on

(1) 带来,造成,引起。

如:Dirt often bring on diseases. 脏东西常常引起疾病。He was out in the rain all day and this brought on a bad cold. 他在外面淋了一天雨,因此患了重感冒。

(2) 促使成长或生长。

如:The hot weather is bringing the wheat on nicely. 因为天气炎热,小麦长势良好。

(3) 帮助(3) (学习者等)进步或提高。

如:More study can bring on your English. 多花点时间学习可以提高你的英语水平。

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beyond yoga(运动文胸 beyond yoga适合跑步吗)

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