A panel of(求短语翻译,1、a the board of 2、a committee of 3、a panel of)

2024-02-09 11:40:01 :32

a panel of(求短语翻译,1、a the board of 2、a committee of 3、a panel of)

“a panel of”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看a panel of(求短语翻译,1、a the board of 2、a committee of 3、a panel of)!


求短语翻译,1、a the board of 2、a committee of 3、a panel of

这三个不叫短语,还是单词翻译,前面的 a 是不定冠词,表示一个(单数),后面的 of 是介词并通过介词后面的名词修饰中间的 board(委员会、董事会、理事会),committee(委员会) 和 panel(由若干成员组成的商讨和决策特定事物的机构,比如法庭、仲裁庭、陪审团、调查组、评委、裁判组等)。a board of the company 就是公司董事会,a committee of investigation 就是调查委员会,a panel of referees 就是裁判组。

a portion of a series of a pile of a panel of 的用法

let a double portion of your spirit be upon me愿感动你的灵a portion of soup一份汤a portion of food一份菜a portion of roast beef一串烤牛排A portion of the power部分权力Zero a portion of an array清零一个数组Automate a portion of your investing.自动理财系统retain a portion of foreign exchange留成外汇But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath因这儿子是他力量强壮的时候首生的A Series of Math Books数学丛书a pile of dough一大笔钱a pile of shit胡说,废话a panel of experts一组专家A Panel Discussion of English Learning特邀嘉宾英语学习谈a panel of judges at the flower show花卉展览的评判小组A panel of judges to score table back I review评判团交评分表后退席评议A panel of judges comments on the review of the participants during the event评判团入席panel of a jury陪审员名单A panel under the windshield of a vehicle, containing indicator dials, compartments, and sometimes control instruments.仪表板车辆挡风玻璃下的板dashboard: a panel under the windshield of a vehicle, containing indicator dials, compartments, and sometimes control instruments仪表板death panel―A supposed committee of doctors and/or bureaucrats who would decide which patients receive treatment, ostensibly leaving the rest to die. Also deather, someone who believes erroneously that the government would have death panels under health care reform.死亡小组

a committe of /a panel of/ a board of什么意思

“a committe of ”应该是“委员会”的意思;“a panel of”应该是“一个小组的”的意思;“a (the)board of ”应该是“(的)董事会”的意思。可以吗?谢谢!

a panei of 是什么意思还有a portion of 后的谓语动词单复情况,谢谢!

a portion of soup一份汤a portion of food一份菜a portion of roast beef一串烤牛排A portion of the power部分权力Zero a portion of an array清零一个数组Automate a portion of your investing.自动理财系统retain a portion of foreign exchange留成外汇a panel of experts一组专家A Panel Discussion of English Learning特邀嘉宾英语学习谈a panel of judges at the flower show花卉展览的评判小组A panel of judges to score table back I review评判团交评分表后退席评议A panel of judges comments on the review of the participants during the event评判团入席a panel of a jury陪审员名单



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a panel of(求短语翻译,1、a the board of 2、a committee of 3、a panel of)

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